Regardless of the steel type, our swords weigh more or less 1kg. The weight depends on the material of the fittings, length, width, and thickness of the blade. The type of steel isn’t really a factor in regards to the weight as most of our swords have more or less the same specs.
6 photos collage:
First 2 swords on top: 1060 Kami Katana (left) and the T10 Kami Katana (right).
Middle: Tonbo Katana (left) and a T10 Katana (right).
Bottom: 1045 swords, the Mugen Katana (left) and Setsuhen Katana right).
2 photos collage:
These were taken from the Seki Traditional Swordsmith Museum when we visited Seki, Gifu, Japan last Feb 2018. It’s an exhibit where you can handle a sword to get a feel of the weight. That sword weighs about 1kg.