Geisha’s Blade 芸者の刃 5th public exhibit and its 5th year to join the University of the Philippines Anime Manga Enthusiasts (UP AME) for their annual fair: AME Fair X, held at the East Pavilion Hall of the World Trade Center, Pasay City last December 13-14, 2014.
This was also the first time we exhibited for 2 straight days, so we asked our customers and friends on Facebook to help us set up and man our booth. Big thanks to these kindhearted people, namely Ram Maquimot, Jeremias Cristobal, James Deocariza, Yukimura Sanada, JLex Alcala, Eduard Agbay, and Quennie Clarito.
Here are some photos our high quality Japanese style samurai swords, katana, and samurai armor in the Philippines!
The good thing in our line of business is that not only are we able to share our knowledge and passion for Japanese swords, we are also able to make new friends!