IMPORTANT NOTE: Stocks from 2015 to present will no longer have a wire brush hamon.
“Kirishitan Katana 1060 Series 2nd Gen”
The Kirishitan Katana (Christian Katana) is our tribute to Dom Justo Takayama Ukon (1552 Haibara-cho, Nara, Japan – February 4, 1615 Manila, Philippines). He was a Kirishitan daimyo (Christian daimyo) and a Japanese Samurai who followed Christianity in the Sengoku period of Japan. The tsuba design was based on an antique tsuba.
Born Ukon Takayama, he later converted to Catholicism and was baptized with a catholic name (Dom Justo) in 1564, from which moment he became a devoted believer in Christian faith. Japan began its Catholic Holocaust (Kirishitan Holocaust) which claimed over 1 million Catholics and forced thousands to flee to Macau and Manila. On November 8, 1614 he was expelled, together with 300 Japanese Chistians and left from Nagasaki, Japan. He arrived later to Manila on December 1614 and was greeted warmly by the Jesuits and the local Filipinos there. He died on February 4, 1615 having been weakened by persecution in Japan.
For those who reside/pass by Manila, specifically in Paco, you can see a statue of Dom Justo Takayama in Plaza Dilao, Manila. He is shown in the statue wearing warrior robes with his hair tied in a knot. He is carrying a sword that is pointed downward, upon which hangs a figure of the crucified Christ.
Visit this page to learn more about Dom Justo Takayama.
Changes in the 2nd Generation is the leather wrapped handle and the blackened iron cross menuki to compliment the design of the tsuba.
• Edge: Fully sharpened
• Treatment: Hand Forged, Through Hardened, Heat Treated & Tempered, Water Quenched
• Overall length: 40.5 inches
• Blade Length: 28.75 inches
• Tsuka: 11 inches wood
• Saya: 30 inches matte pebbled finish
• Tsuba / Fuchi / Kashira / Menuki: Iron
• Habaki / Seppa: Brass
• Tsukaito: Black leather
• Sageo: Black-White silk shigeuchi sageo
• Mekugi: 2 bamboo pegs
• Samegawa: Real ray skin panels
• Nakago: Full tang
• Hamon: None
• Specs may vary slightly from sword to sword
• Can be disassembled
• Includes cloth bag
• Packaging: carton box
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